LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police force


RE: City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police...

April 27th, 2014 @ 6:52PM (11 years ago)

Put them on bikes so they can work off those tubby bellies

RE: City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police...

April 28th, 2014 @ 9:44AM (11 years ago)

I guess I am blessed in the 3rd. I don't think LT's should be making runs, but mine does anyway. Same with the Sgt's. We have been fortunate for many years down in "the dirty south." Excellent troops and excellent bosses, from the major on down to the rookies. I remember quite a few times working scenes and making runs with majors! - Sohan and Richardson both.