LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mayor writes letter to citizens addressing downtown safety

Juking the Stats!!!

April 6th, 2014 @ 2:04PM (10 years ago)
Posted by: BP III

Did it tickle anyone else to see the KING of STAT Manipulation, O.G., sitting right behind the chief as he explained how our magic crime mapping computer had taken a cr@p right before the council meeting? That is how O.G. was able to get the keys to the puzzle palace under R.C.W., "look what I can do!!" Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't we spend an @ss load of money on a system in which stats could be easily massaged and manipulated, to make a major look like the next best thing since sliced bread, instead of the free system the entire rest of the state was using, KYOPS? Now the chief, while the King of juking the stats sits behind him, says youth running around in the waterfront and downtown business district causing destruction and mayhem is a rare occassion and the mayor saying hasnt happened in "decades." Like how the Baders showed up to crush the spin the chief and the chief's office was putting on the story. Good thing the heavy thinkers in the cheif's office are getting out in front of this problem before thunder, the derby and summer break are here. Can't wait to see how this one is handled, maybe Buck will come around and tell folks they been eating steak for way too long and there are going to have be some cut-backs, no more overtime unless you are pursuing the mass of maruading youth decimating the waterfront and downtown business area. He ate steak for a loooooong time with street crimes, how quickly they forget. Do as I say, not as I ever did!!!!