Violence will be tolerated, because no one will do anything about it at court. JCYC wont take anyone and the jail is getting just as bad. So that was b.s. Curfew change like that will do anything, you can't enforce that either because you cant find a parent. Take them to safe place, deal with the attitudes of the counter lady. They walk out after you leave....nothing. Adult AI? nope to drunk! refused start a hospital detail. Bring back the misdemeanor lock ups so we can solve some of the problems
Violence will be tolerated, because no one will do anything about it at court. JCYC wont take anyone and the jail is getting just as bad. So that was b.s. Curfew change like that will do anything, you can't enforce that either because you cant find a parent. Take them to safe place, deal with the attitudes of the counter lady. They walk out after you leave....nothing. Adult AI? nope to drunk! refused start a hospital detail. Bring back the misdemeanor lock ups so we can solve some of the problems