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Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle


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Perhaps joining a bowling league is in order. 11 years ago No image... No video...
Just so you know, I didn't read your long post. I just looked... 11 years ago No image... No video...
The liberals make a big deal out of it because they want... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Why are we arguing about guns? If you want a gun, then go... 11 years ago No image... No video...
You are incorrect, read the last comment again. I called... 11 years ago No image... No video...
And you are calling me the troll. You don't even have a point. 11 years ago No image... No video...
You are the calling the other guy ignorant but he was successful... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Good! Maybe this will be the very last year for Thunder. 11 years ago No image... No video...
I take that back. I should not have used the word stupid. 11 years ago No image... No video...
By the way, the number of vehicular related deaths is usually... 11 years ago No image... No video...
So, let me get this right. You are claiming there are more... 11 years ago No image... No video...
I call it pretending to care when you don't want too. 11 years ago No image... No video...
The whole country's police departments and the FBI have been... 11 years ago No image... No video...
I don't put any faith in the numbers illustrated on that... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Caring is an emotion. You don't have to "care" about anything... 11 years ago No image... No video...
But that means you could care more too. You really didn't... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Why not an Obamaphone and subsidized housing? Is the lesson... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Don't let any facts get in the way of your rants or prevent... 11 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Image Upload 11 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
You must be a television show cop, because real life cops... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Sigh. There wasn't the first thing said to indicate that. 11 years ago No image... No video...
Then how do you make the assumption that the commenter was... 11 years ago No image... No video...
That wasn't my post. Try again. 11 years ago No image... No video...
So you obviously don't value personal responsibility and... 11 years ago No image... No video...
Your comments regarding police response time is unfair and... 11 years ago No image... No video...

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 27th, 2014 @ 2:59PM (11 years ago)


Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 27th, 2014 @ 6:21PM (11 years ago)

There should be a case opened on the officers for not helping the 10-61

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 28th, 2014 @ 3:03AM (11 years ago)

I don't understand what everyone on the department is so upset about. I learned years ago that no one wants us to do any work. Just collect your fat paycheck for doing absolutely nothing and be happy like me. I never get upset about anything.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 28th, 2014 @ 5:51PM (11 years ago)

Haha, yep, she's done

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 28th, 2014 @ 10:13PM (11 years ago)

City of Parks Metro Traffic Detail Department

Crime Reports

March 22, 2014

1) SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY: Took place at the Big Four Bridge between 7:20 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., near the playground area. Police say a 30-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl were assaulted. According to an incident report, a group of black juveniles was walking eastbound on River Road from the Big Four Bridge toward downtown. Police say 5-7 of them attacked the girl, punching and kicking her. The suspects took her iPhone and purse. When a man stepped in to help the woman, police say a group of black male juveniles attacked him. One of the attackers found his wallet and took $56, then dropped the wallet on the sidewalk, while another managed to take his cell phone. The man was transported to University Hospital after receiving cuts to the face and the back of the head.

2) SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY: Police say the male victim was sitting in his vehicle at the corner of 2nd St. and Liberty St. at approximately 9 p.m., when he was approached by a large group of juveniles. The juveniles then began cursing at the man and surrounded his vehicle. Police say the man got out of his vehicle and told the juveniles to stop hitting his car and to leave him alone. That's when the juveniles began punching the man, taking his cell phone out of his shirt pocket, according to the incident report. Police say they then climbed onto the roof of his vehicle and kicked in the windshield.

3) SECOND DEGREE ROBBERY: Police say that at approximately 11 p.m. on S. 15th St., a woman says several juveniles pushed her, hit her in the head and took her cell phone.

4) FOURTH DEGREE ASSAULT: Police say that after 8 p.m., roughly 50-60 black males tried to come into the Baders Food Mart at 300 S. 1st St. The victim was trying to keep the suspects out of the store, when they started hitting him in the head.

5) THEFT BY UNLAWFUL TAKING: Police say that at approximately 8 p.m., roughly 50-60 black males rushed into the Baders Food Mart at 300 S. 1st St. and started stealing items from the shelves, including miscellaneous candy, chips and drinks, walking out without paying for the merchandise.

6) FOURTH DEGREE ASSAULT: Police say that, shortly before 9 p.m. on E. Liberty St., near S. 1st St., a woman was driving, when 30-40 black males surrounded her car and started banging on it. The victim says they started throwing trash cans and rocks at the car. Her window was down, and a black male reached in and punched her in the face. She had to be taken to the hospital, where she received stitches in the left side of her cheek.

7) FOURTH DEGREE ASSAULT: At approximately 7 p.m., police say a 28-year-old man was at the Big Four Bridge when a group of 25-30 juveniles asked him for a cigarette. Those juveniles then slapped and punched him, causing minor pain.

8) CARRYING A CONCEALED DEADLY WEAPON: Just before 7:30 p.m., police were dispatched to the Big Four Bridge walking ramp after they received a report of a group of juveniles who had assaulted an unidentified man and ran away. While officers were conducting their investigation, police say a witness said he saw suspects remove a firearm from a trash can and run away. Officers stopped one of the suspects at gunpoint, at which point that suspect allegedly pulled a loaded revolver from his pants pocket. The officer ordered him to drop his weapon and he complied.

9) FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: Police say that, at 4 p.m., near the corner of S. Clay St. and E. Market St., a 37-year-old woman says a suspect walked on the trunk, roof and hood of a vehicle while it was parked. The vehicle suffered dents on the roof and hood, and there were shoe prints on the vehicle.

10) FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: At 7:30 p.m., near S. 1st St., near W. Liberty St., a 24-year-old woman says her vehicle was damaged.

11) SECOND DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: At 7:30 p.m., at the corner of S. 5th St. and W. Broadway, near The Courier-Journal, a 30-year-old male says that unidentified individuals jumped up and down on the hood of his vehicle, damaging the hood.

12) SECOND DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: At 7:00 p.m., near the corner of S. 5th St. and W. Chestnut St., a 57-year-old man says someone broke the front windshield of his vehicle. At least one footprint was found on the hood of the car.

13) THIRD DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: At 5 p.m., near the corner of 6th St. and W. Broadway, police say the front window of a business was broken.

14) THIRD DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: At 9 p.m., near the corner of S. 4th St. and W. Chestnut St., a 29-year-old male says 40-50 black males surrounded his car and started punching it. They also threw objects -- such as rocks and trash cans -- at the car, causing damage.

15) MENACING: Shortly after 8 p.m., a 30-year-old police officer tried to stop a suspect at the Big Four Bridge. That suspect pulled away from the officer and postured himself in an aggressive manner, balling up his fists and placing that officer in fear of assault.

16) FIRST DEGREE ROBBERY: At 8 p.m. on the Big Four Bridge, a 15-year-old boy says he was punched in the face by unidentified suspects. They took his phone and his wallet.

17) FIRST DEGREE ROBBERY: At 9 p.m., near the corner of S. 6th St. and W. Broadway, a 37-year-old man says he was riding his bicycle, when a group of black juveniles approached him and attacked him. The man was knocked off the bike, then punched and kicked several times in the head. The suspects then fled with the victim's bike. The victim suffered a laceration to his head and said he possibly had a seizure. That man was taken to University Hospital.

18) FIRST DEGREE ROBBERY: Shortly before 10 p.m., near the corner of S. 5th St. and W. Broadway, a 58-year-old man was found unconscious with his wallet missing. That man had noticeable head injuries and was taken to the hospital for treatment.

19) FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: At 9 p.m., near the corner of S. 5th St. and W. Broadway, a 44-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman say unknown suspects jumped on their cars, in one case causing the hood to cave in.

20) FOURTH DEGREE ASSAULT: At 7 p.m. on River Road, near I-65, a 61-year-old man says he was punched in the face from the side and knocked to the ground. At that point, he says he was surrounded by a group of juveniles who punched and kicked him while he was on the ground. He later took himself to Jewish Hospital, where he discovered he had a facial contusion, a head injury, nasal bone fractures and rib contusions.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 29th, 2014 @ 11:19AM (11 years ago)

You all make sure to sign up for all the overtime details that are available now. Our illustrious democratically elected leaders need you to work a little harder and pick up a little more slack so that we can continue to provide taxable earned income in order to provide the disenfranchised with more opportunities so that tragic events such as this won't happen again in the future.

Below is yet another logical and viable answer that will put an end to violence and rambunctious behavior in general....just like midnight basketball did following the "wilding" attacks in the 80's & 90's.

City offers week of free movies for young people over spring break

Posted: Mar 28, 2014 7:58 PM EDT

Updated: Mar 28, 2014 9:32 PM EDT


LMPD: 2 suspects arrested in connection with teen mob violence

LMPD: One person dead in officer-involved shooting near Cane Run

Woman attacked by mob of teens says she was scared for her life


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LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Metro Council announced today the city will offer free movies for the week of March 31st - April 4th.

The first-run movies will be shown Monday through Friday evening at the Shawnee Golf Course Clubhouse beginning at 7 p.m.

The spring break movies will include "The Butler", "12 Years A Slave" and documentaries "Little Africa" and "The Dirt Bowl". The movies will be followed by discussions to give young people a chance to speak their mind.

Cheri Bryant Hamilton is partnering with the group Getting All People (GAP) to host the events.

"We found the discussion format was very positive with our recent presentation during February of the PBS series "The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross," Hamilton said in a press release. "I think asking young people what they think about any subject is one way of connecting to them to their history and showing that we can listen to their thoughts on any subject."

The events will include free popcorn and pizza.

COpyright 2014 WDRB News. All rights reserved.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 29th, 2014 @ 1:26PM (11 years ago)

Congratulations to this guy on successfully defending himself from these marauding "gangstaz". There's one less dangerous criminal who can victimize someone now thanks to him.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 29th, 2014 @ 5:23PM (11 years ago)

ok......He was charged because there was no tarc video. The kids all said the old guy was the aggressor and the bus driver helped the kids stories....TRUST ME.. NOT ONE DET. OR SGT IN HOMICIDE WAS THINKING BLACK OR WHITE OR GREEN OR RED. They were going by the facts known at the time. The tarc video was viewed a day or two later that showed the truth... If not for the video that guy would have sat in prison for 20 years. Also the chiefs office had zeroooo say in 99.999999 of the case in homicide and the command never even comes to the homicide office. The only time I know chief White got involved the white UofL baseball player and black football player downtown... And he didnt put his two cents in until weeks and weeks later and pushed the COMM ATT. for the grand jury to hear the case. all the homicide dets. knew about an hour into that case it was 100% self defense... You people live in a la la land of conspiracies... Haha u all make me laugh.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 29th, 2014 @ 9:02PM (11 years ago)
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Sons' in jail?

Call Waddell!

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 29th, 2014 @ 9:05PM (11 years ago)

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 30th, 2014 @ 11:29AM (11 years ago)

It's funny how fingers are constantly being pointed at conservative republicans and white people in general for prejudice and racial stereotyping. Then you turn on the television and see what is being passed off as "humor" from the "Lean Forward", "progressive" network and media mouthpiece of the democrat party. And it's sad because I know that I will be called a racist for simply pointing it out. Sometimes I forget my place and that I'm not entitled to my own opinion. Sorry.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

March 31st, 2014 @ 10:48PM (11 years ago)

Crime is high because there is no NASCAR track in Louisville. How can the Mayor be serious about stopping crime when he never even mentions a plan to build one? We must do it for the children.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

April 2nd, 2014 @ 1:51AM (11 years ago)

So derby week...day work and late watch is going to 12 hour shifts and mid watch getting detailed.....hummmmmmmmm

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

April 2nd, 2014 @ 6:55PM (11 years ago)

Events in jeopardy after Waterfront Park cut from Commonwealth's budget

Posted: Apr 02, 2014 5:27 PM EDT

Updated: Apr 02, 2014 5:30 PM EDT

By Sarah Eisenmenger - email

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – Several events are being scaled back while others are on the chopping block after funding for Waterfront Park was cut from the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky's biennial budget.

According to the Waterfront Development Corporation, on Tuesday they learned of the cuts which will eliminate $420,800 from the park's annual budget of $2,362,300.

After learning of the cuts the Waterfront Development Corporation made the decision to cancel the Waterfront Independence Festival, a free community event held on July 3 and 4. The also chose to scale back a six day event in October that coordinated with the Belle of Louisville's 100th birthday called the Centennial Festival of Riverboats.

In a press release WDC President David Karem said, "We had no indication that the long partnership that we had with the state on our park was in jeopardy. We will assess all options to adapt to this fiscal shock."

WDC said they will continue to focus on maintaining the park in addition to working to expand events with high economic impacts including Forecastle Festival, Ironman Triathlon, Kentucky Derby Festival and Waterfront Wednesday's concert series.

Copyright 2014 WAVE 3 News. All rights reserved.

I'm sure the reduction in funding is merely a coincidence. It has absolutely nothing to do with the city's inability to ensure the safety of the tax-paying citizens who might attend these events.

Move along....nothing to see here.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

April 3rd, 2014 @ 8:59PM (11 years ago)

I prefer Thunder Over Bullitt County instead

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

April 4th, 2014 @ 1:56PM (11 years ago)

Animated re-enactment of the black teen mob attack on that family near the Bader Food Market. Those worthless punks are all very lucky it wasn't my car.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

April 5th, 2014 @ 4:36PM (11 years ago)

Why not an Obamaphone and subsidized housing?

Is the lesson not to break the law again or else they will be given free health care? Just make sure all their felonies get pled down so they can keep voting Democrat.

Louisville Metro Corrections last week began holding daily sign-ups for exiting inmates and Garcia was among those qualifying for the newly expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.

It’s part of a growing push nationwide by prisons and jails trying to take advantage of expanded healthcare to curb rapidly rising medical costs in a setting where many are poor, unhealthy and uninsured.

Their motivation is twofold: Expensive inmate hospitalizations lasting more than 24 hours can be billed to Medicaid, cutting local and state costs. And it provides coverage to a population whose high rates of chronic disease, substance abuse and mental illness often land them back in jail, where they are expensive to treat.

“I know some people will think, ‘I can’t afford health insurance myself. Now a person in jail gets access to health care?’” said Mark Bolton, director of the jail that houses roughly 2,000 inmates. “But taxpayers are paying for these people anyway.”

In Louisville, Metro Corrections healthcare costs make up $9 million of its $52 million budget — a result of treating medical conditions ranging from untreated diabetes, heart disease, infections and drug problems.

That investment is often lost when repeat offenders fail to continue treating their conditions when released because of a lack of health insurance, officials said.

But the idea of signing up inmates doesn’t sit well with some Affordable Care Act critics.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said signing up those leaving jail or prison will add burdens to an already strained Medicaid program that is hard pressed to find enough doctors willing to accept Medicaid patients.

“This is yet another disturbing aspect of a profoundly troubling piece of legislation,” McConnell said.

Federal rules ban Medicaid from being used while someone is incarcerated, but that doesn’t apply to inmates hospitalized for at least 24 hours. And all prisoners are constitutionally guaranteed health care while behind bars.

Jeffersonville man wanted officer to jump-start stolen vehicle

April 10th, 2014 @ 1:26PM (11 years ago)

Just so you know, I didn't read your long post. I just looked how long it was and figured you're a NUT JOB.