LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Viper Unit gets guns off the street on New Year's Eve


RE: Viper Unit gets guns off the street on New Year's Eve

January 22nd, 2014 @ 9:25PM (10 years ago)

I can't figure out which one is the troll and which one is just responding to the troll. Maybe both are trolls thinking the other person is not a troll, and both are trying to troll up more responses.

If a local news station in a city like this were to sit on a major story for almost a year, that would be highly unusual.

RE: Viper Unit gets guns off the street on New Year's Eve

January 22nd, 2014 @ 10:01PM (10 years ago)

Now I know you're not a reporter just like I know this whole story is bogus. No media outlet would run this story without the Officers involved being identified first for the purpose of the story itself. BTW every aspect of criminal law is based on "confronting an accuser."