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Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman claims


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Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 9th, 2013 @ 6:10PM (11 years ago)

Every story on this site has some element related to a police agency. This one does not. But it does fire up the base for those who want to say "hear we go again another race card". So, it was carefully chosen to get the juices flowing. See, they are very cunning and sneaky. You have to really be looking for it.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 9th, 2013 @ 6:28PM (11 years ago)

racism is alive and well in 2013, good to see some things never change

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 9th, 2013 @ 9:28PM (11 years ago)

Same ol Louisville gov't, just a different day. This city will never move forward because of sh%t like this.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 9th, 2013 @ 10:28PM (11 years ago)


Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 10th, 2013 @ 8:55AM (11 years ago)

If these councilmen get any worse, they will have to become Congressmen. Only **** floats to the top in politics today.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 10th, 2013 @ 9:40AM (11 years ago)

Ms. Woolridge:

You know those folks are going to see everything you do with suspicion. It's in their nature. You could go and visit 100 sick white children in the hospital and they would consider you an angel, but if you tried to help one black child, they would do a story on you saying you are "taking care of your own". Just ask Christopher 2X. Learn their behavior and you will always win their game. Study. Study. Study.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 10th, 2013 @ 11:36PM (11 years ago)

what was up with a Baker in Homicide dropping a 10-30 because someone was parked in her driveway and her saying she would shoot them if they didnt leave. This is all public record heard on the radio the other night... Weird!

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 11th, 2013 @ 12:20AM (11 years ago)

They were just filming a scene for a new police drama TV pilot to be aired next spring on Metro TV. The hike and bike chase scene is fantastic. I have never seen an ATV jump that high before.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 11th, 2013 @ 6:59PM (11 years ago)

Where is the command staff? Have not actually seen or heard from anyone from the command staff in months!!! No television appearances, no tours of the division. Nothing!!! A major announcement or arrest occurs and you never see anyone on the tv talking about it. Instead, I am seeing more and more often officers and sergeants holding press conferences. That is just one example. The point is, the command staff has made itself invisible!!!

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 12th, 2013 @ 8:01PM (11 years ago)

OK, who is "better off"?:

The lieutenant who earns $80,000 annual salary, but is in a large amount of debt and has to work off-duty to supplement his income -or- the patrol officer who earns $55,000 annual salary and has no debt and will remain debt free? Don't read into the question. You can only consider the facts given.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 13th, 2013 @ 7:25PM (11 years ago)

Jokes may result in arrest. Report suspected jokesters to your Obama For America Commissar, Comrades.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 14th, 2013 @ 10:30PM (11 years ago)

All this tells me is that Mrs. Woolridge has no integrity or character worthy of being a council person in Louisville. It is obviously ok to commit criminal acts and not be held accountable and fired from the council.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 15th, 2013 @ 2:29PM (11 years ago)

Check out Fox News online. 63 police officers were suspended over a fatal car chase and double shooting. Heckuva story.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 15th, 2013 @ 7:45PM (11 years ago)

Well, she takes a pretty photo! I wonder if those pearly white teeth were purchased through ndf funds. lol

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 17th, 2013 @ 12:50AM (11 years ago)

I had an irate rant prepared, but will not be posting it until Obamacare is repealed!

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 17th, 2013 @ 5:40AM (11 years ago)

Why does the 4th Div only have like two new cars when all the other Divisions have a couple dozen...

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 17th, 2013 @ 2:24PM (11 years ago)

I started to read all of Conrad's new policies, then I decided that suicide was much easier.

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 17th, 2013 @ 2:25PM (11 years ago)


Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

October 17th, 2013 @ 4:42PM (11 years ago)

What did Chris Thurman do?

Barbara Shanklin ouster vote was directly affected by race, councilman...

December 8th, 2013 @ 3:59AM (11 years ago)

whats a YUM?