Even the newest of officers can see right through the CompStat B.S. What used to take about 10 years to become jaded toward the upper echelon commanders, now takes only about 6 months with the new officers. It's even difficult for the sergeants to keep a straight face without rolling their eyes, while trying to give verbal counseling regarding officers' "stats". Maybe we're all being fooled... perhaps it's just a ruse to create more solidarity between former JCP and LPD officers, since neither former
Even the newest of officers can see right through the CompStat B.S. What used to take about 10 years to become jaded toward the upper echelon commanders, now takes only about 6 months with the new officers. It's even difficult for the sergeants to keep a straight face without rolling their eyes, while trying to give verbal counseling regarding officers' "stats". Maybe we're all being fooled... perhaps it's just a ruse to create more solidarity between former JCP and LPD officers, since neither former