LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD's Gentleman's Academy helps troubled youth


RE: LMPD's Gentleman's Academy helps troubled youth

July 13th, 2013 @ 4:19PM (11 years ago)

To the poster who wanted to know why the police should be involved in the type of program:

1. Any chance to improve / ease the future enforcement efforts by adding little money is a good investment. If only three of these young men manage to not get arrested, indicted, sent to prison, then the program is a success.

2. It adds a level of communication with the west end for the future. Again, with only a minor dollar investment then this has potential for greater societal returns.

3. It allows these highly at risk youth to see that, unlike their families, not every officer has given up on them.

If it works, we win. If it fails we lose very little money and some volunteer time.

My only argument is that this program should not racially exclusive. I have dealt with young sh!t birds all over this city, of all races, who should be able to attend.

complete failure

July 23rd, 2013 @ 2:51PM (11 years ago)

We have officers at this new program 24 hours a day. It started with over 40 "troubled youth" and is now down to 23. What a terrible waste of manpower and resources