Listen here bud, first of all I don't see anybody calling you "lame" ok?? Second ,quit being so sensitive about what you are trying so hard to defend. Makes me wonder if you really are sure of yourself. The point is you are using a loop hole that could some day come back and bite you on the ******! OK?!! The fact that you use this tactic tells me you aren't very good at your job, but thats just my opinion, I've only done this job for 25 years, so I think I get a pretty good idea of how people are.
Listen here bud, first of all I don't see anybody calling you "lame" ok?? Second ,quit being so sensitive about what you are trying so hard to defend. Makes me wonder if you really are sure of yourself. The point is you are using a loop hole that could some day come back and bite you on the ******! OK?!! The fact that you use this tactic tells me you aren't very good at your job, but thats just my opinion, I've only done this job for 25 years, so I think I get a pretty good idea of how people are.