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Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if police are present

Ky. justices: Officer's presence, custody key


RE: Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if...

April 30th, 2013 @ 9:46PM (12 years ago)

You must not be reading my responses.... Nothing immoral, shady, under the table. It's 100% legal... All my interviews are recorder, the prosecutors and defense KNOW everything. The prosecjtors are all 100% on board. Would u rather read them their rights and them lawyer up or tell them thanks for coming to the office, you can leave now or when ever you want, you dont have to talk to me. They talk amd confess and you let them leave like you told them. It's that simple that lawful and a 100% acceptable legal practice in the USA. Nothing will come back to bite or any of thedetectives that do in Louisville and every dept in tbe country. NOTHING HAS BEEN OR EVER WILL BE SUPPRESSED AND YES YOU ARE A LAME IDIOT COP WHO HAS NO IDEA HOW TO INVESTIGATE. The city should sue you for all the wasted salary they payed you for sucking for 25 years.

RE: Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if...

May 1st, 2013 @ 6:41AM (12 years ago)

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Police work is not always black and white or night and day. Spirit of the law versus letter of the law. We have the written in policy ability to use discretion. Get over how this detective works. He is right and it is legal. It may violate your personal morals, but I have no problem with the tactic. You heard me. It is a tactic. We the police have to keep finding a new way to peel the onion that we get saddled with by the judiciary that continually sways back and forth, sometimes with us and sometimes against us.