LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if police are present

Ky. justices: Officer's presence, custody key


RE: Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if...

April 30th, 2013 @ 4:00PM (12 years ago)

Ok......I am not a lame det. like most. I RECORD either audio or video or both. THE JUDGE WILL K OW EXACTLY WHAT WAS SAID!. There is no FINE LINE. OMG YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY. I highly suggest you ask Mr. Simms at mandated or send him an email. Again I am truely embarrassed for this dept. IT IS 1000000% LEGAL AND ACCEPTED IN THE USA. Of course you have the right to remain silent but I am not telling you that is u ARE NOT IN CUSTODY because I am not required to by LAW.