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Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if police are present

Ky. justices: Officer's presence, custody key


RE: Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if...

April 30th, 2013 @ 4:48PM (12 years ago)

You can lead them to water but cannot make them drink the knowledge.

RE: Kentucky students must be read Miranda rights at school if...

April 30th, 2013 @ 8:34PM (12 years ago)

Listen here bud, first of all I don't see anybody calling you "lame" ok?? Second ,quit being so sensitive about what you are trying so hard to defend. Makes me wonder if you really are sure of yourself. The point is you are using a loop hole that could some day come back and bite you on the ******! OK?!! The fact that you use this tactic tells me you aren't very good at your job, but thats just my opinion, I've only done this job for 25 years, so I think I get a pretty good idea of how people are. You have never been challenged in court by someone who is on to your scam, you don't get what some of these posters are trying to tell you!! The time is coming when you will have to explain, truthfully, why you didn't stop an interview when someone is giving a self incriminating statement, KNOWING THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT, and YOU KNEW all along that you were gonna charge them from the beginning, and conducted this type of interview simply to avoid MIRANDA WARNINGS! It may be legal but it is a weak way of being a detective, and it will come back on you!! IT IS A FINE LINE!!!! Stop being so arrogant and listen to what obviously are more experienced people are trying to tell you! You save that kind of tactic for when you really need it, when circumstances play it out that way. All it will take is for just one of those statements to be suppressed and then the floodgates will open. What that means is they will go back and look at all of your cases and see a pattern just like they did with other detectives who thought they were beating the system. Doing it every now and then probably would go unnoticed, but all the time is gonna get you sooner or later. As far as Simms goes, you ask him about it, but tell him the truth on why you do it and see what he says. IT IS LEGAL, NOBODY IS SAYING IT ISNT, WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS THAT ITS NOT MORAL THEY WAY YOU ARE DOING IT!!!!!!!!! And as far as you being truly embarrassed for this dept, do us a favor and take your hall of fame skills somewhere else, you're beginning to embarrass us. And please save the childish name calling response I'm sure you're just dying to impress with.