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Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies


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Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 15th, 2013 @ 4:17PM (12 years ago)

Is it me or was it funny that Mayor Fischer in his statement said "she had a good heart" ummmmm she died of a heart attack....I would have chose my words better...lol

Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 15th, 2013 @ 6:05PM (12 years ago)

Sorry, but she was a thief and crooked. Now all the rest of them up there are going to talk about her like she was a saint. B1tch about me talking about her all you want but this is how I feel. Lets see if there is a detail for her funeral. Didn't she also have problems with paying back money from college loans? Something about since they did not contact her about it she was not going to pay them back. Nothing but a crook.

Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 15th, 2013 @ 6:52PM (12 years ago)

So true.

Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 15th, 2013 @ 8:04PM (12 years ago)

How do I get my couch reupholstered now?

Louisville ranks low on pension funding for municipal workers

January 15th, 2013 @ 8:41PM (12 years ago)

Louisville ranks low on pension funding for municipal workers

FRANKFORT, KY. — Major cities in the U.S. are racking up massive pension debts, and Louisville is among the worst in the nation, according to a report released Tuesday by the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Pew used data from 2009, when Louisville’s pension was 68 percent funded and its health care benefits were 40 percent funded, creating a total unfunded liability of about $737 million.

Fischer has joined with other mayors and city groups to call for reforms in the state’s troubled pension system, which has built up $33 billion in unfunded liabilities in plans for state and local employees, state police, teachers, the judicial branch and legislators.

The Kentucky League of Cities has pushed for reforms for years to head off ever-escalating contribution rates that are projected to top 50 percent of payroll before 2030 for hazardous employees.

Among other things, the league has called on the state legislature to eliminate automatic cost of living adjustments, increase city representation on the Kentucky Retirement Systems board and move new hires into a cash-balance plan — a hybrid plan between traditional pensions and the 401(k) approach used in the private sector.


Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 16th, 2013 @ 5:24PM (12 years ago)

Asta La Vi'sta!

Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 17th, 2013 @ 9:47AM (12 years ago)

Na na na na, na na na na, hey heyyyyyyy, Good Bye!!!

Judy Green, former Louisville Metro councilwoman, dies

January 19th, 2013 @ 10:20AM (12 years ago)


Lexington police agree to new pension terms

wait wait what?

January 19th, 2013 @ 7:47PM (12 years ago)

This guy was arraigned last Monday & it hit ONE news site Friday afternoon?


Worth noting that this dbag is from the same recruit class as the other Miller. Awesome sauce. :/