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Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront violent crime


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Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 1st, 2012 @ 11:38PM (12 years ago)

Director of Violence Prevention? Are you kidding me? This is how we deal with violence...create a new governmental dept head and pay them 90K a year? So, prevent violence by paying a suit 90 grand while not putting more police cars on the street and while trying to **** the officers on their contract? Great idea!!!! I’ve got an additional idea. Why don’t we just pull a bunch of police officers off the street and away from their neighborhoods so they can be at the UL games and parades, and gatherings, and hike and bikes, and raffles, and Triathalons, and fireworks displays, and ……Maybe this will curb violent crime. Oh, wait…we already do that. What a joke. Quit pretending you care about crime when all you want to do is take money that would fight crime and spend it on your little hobbies. Wake up.



Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 2nd, 2012 @ 7:39PM (12 years ago)

It seems Mayor Fischer is taking a page out of Rahm Emanuel's Chicago playbook.


Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 3rd, 2012 @ 7:03PM (12 years ago)

Good ol' SPI Phil Turner must be tired of retirement.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 3rd, 2012 @ 10:07PM (12 years ago)

Next thing our city needs is a city planner which is the same job of the mayor. I will resign from my job and take that position.Oh..wait a minute I am not originally from Louisville, not related to politicians and don't kiss arse...guess I will just keep riding the beat.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 3rd, 2012 @ 10:11PM (12 years ago)

I have my doubts about how this job would be performed, but if it's done right, it would be good to have someone at a high level outside the department coordinating the bigger picture. Officers are trained to handle the symptoms, but not cure the disease, so someone should be running that side in Louisville. The person could tell the Mayor when the Chief and command staff are screwing things up. Collecting crime statistics and locking people up doesn't necessarily tell you why the crimes are being committed or how to stop them from happening. If you can identify and prevent the social problems that are driving people into crime before they become criminals, then it would save a lot of people a lot of grief. I understand there is a school of thought that says the only way to stop crime is to lock them up, but it's never worked. Prisons are just the criminals university system. If you can't put them away for a long, long time, then they just come back to do even worse.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 4th, 2012 @ 1:07AM (12 years ago)

I am ready to stand at 6th and Jefferson with signs showing our frustration without having a contract approaching 18 months. we will get 2 zero's up front and lose thousand in back pay and they get a 2 and 2 and they contract will nearly be expired again....

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 4th, 2012 @ 7:53PM (12 years ago)

You LMPD Officer's B$&^h, moan and groan, but you still go out and issue citations and make arrest. Which does nothing but pad the pockets of judges and attorneys. It is quite simple, answer your call's for service and DO NOT arrest on warrants or issue traffic citations. Nothing proactive... Then they will be begging you to get out and do something. The ball is in your court. Play some good defense.

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 5th, 2012 @ 12:11AM (12 years ago)

The mayor is throwing around money and positions like it water. Remember the membership has to vote on a new contract so if it has a bunch of zero's in it throw it back at them when you vote. They found a hundred million to pay off the cities mess with the fire dept. So don't accept anything with zero in it. You better bargain for enough to cover the tax increases the feds and state gov't is fixing to stick in our as*es. If not you will be making a whole lot less than under the old contract.


December 5th, 2012 @ 5:25PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: Just a monkey......

I am just a monkey for how I have gone above and beyond. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to retire when I did. I am sorry to current people for what you have to put up with (and no I'm not talking about the public, I am talking about this department, if you'd call it one).

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer adds city position to confront...

December 6th, 2012 @ 1:37PM (12 years ago)

Why does it seem only a 1/4 of the department gets the daily sig act for the entire dept. There is a ton of important events going on Metro Wide that would benefit ALL SWORN to read daily, not just the select few.