LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retired cop and neighbor stopped Mahmoud Hindi, forced him to drop gun after shooting two


RE: Retired cop and neighbor stopped Mahmoud Hindi, forced him...

November 7th, 2012 @ 8:35PM (11 years ago)

Everyone who voted for Obama did so to keep the free handouts right? What free handouts? Welfare did not start with Obama. If you spew Obama is giving away free handouts, it is code for your racist attitude you may not know you harbor. There were welfare recipients during Reagan and Bush's terms too. But I guess it seems Mr. Black President has been a little to liberal in his givings for your taste, huh? He's breaking the bank by taking care of his own, right? I was listening to a radio show host complain about Blacks voting for O because he is Black. I say so what! It is none of your business why anyone votes for anyone. Perhaps Blacks voted for O because he is on the Democrat ticket and they have always voted Democrat, even for Bill Clinton. Republic Party is over for good-too much bigotry while the masses have moved on.