LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police run-in with lieutenant colonel leads to investigation, more training

Lt. colonel with brain injury was handcuffed, considers suit


RE: Louisville police run-in with lieutenant colonel leads to...

September 28th, 2012 @ 1:11AM (12 years ago)

I would certainly have expected more from someone accusing an elected official and/or his staff of being corrupt. You are a joke. I would simply categorize you as naïve if you were just an average citizen who believed the “news”. But that’s not the case and we both know it. I’ll get to who you are in a bit…the folks will be interested in that.

The Sheriff DID go out and solicit bids. He contracted with the lowest bidder. What the Sheriff did not do was advertise the bidding process in the paper, which is required by law. He admitted his mistake on the local “news”. Let me repeat – admitted his mistake. That’s refreshing. Then you know what he did? Let me tell you. He advertised the bid in the paper and did it all over again. Guess who was the lowest bidder? Bingo!!!! The same company he was already using. Nice!

I guess I’ll square you away on the uniform issue as well since you were not researched, schooled, educated, or otherwise before you commented. That is sad. I don’t even work for the JCSO and you do…..well…..did

Any company must have permission from a law enforcement agency before selling that agencies uniforms, etc. Siegel’s was selling uniforms that did not match the current colors/specifications of the uniforms worn by the JCSO. They were told to stop doing such. “Strong arming” is a phrase used by someone trying to indict another. It is often misused, as in this case. Please, Please, Please know what you are talking about or at least research the topic before you post. Unless of course you know the truth but are being disingenuous. Please reply with a truthful answer by tomorrow. If not then I’ll ask again by name. Good day.