LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville man says two LMPD officers beat him


RE: Louisville man says two LMPD officers beat him

September 19th, 2012 @ 1:05PM (12 years ago)

After all that... I knew someone would both those questions..Well I cant imagine the cost of living in any of the cities mentioned is much different that Louisville.... I didnt pick LA, New York city, Chicago etc..... A louisville officer wont make a base pay of 55 grand until being on 24 year. where most of these cities make that in 2-6 years.... so if I am making 10-20 grand more a year for 18 more years I will gladly take that $180,000-$360,000 and pay more in insurance. 2 of the cities listed I know have take home cars.....many have shift diff for both mids and nites.....almost all have diff pay incentive for diff college degrees, bilingual pay... benefits are mostly equal or better in these cities.....

RE: Louisville man says two LMPD officers beat him

September 20th, 2012 @ 6:38AM (12 years ago)

Actually, that amount out of pocket doesn't surprise me at all, I know any number of folks who pay that, and more, to maintain insurance on their families. I pay about $250 a month, through my employer, and I'm single.