a little bit from the communist journal.... if VIPER remains as number driven as the summer task force, what do you think will happen http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20120907/NEWS01/309070064/Police-shooting-victim-wasn-t-sure-detective-an-officer?odyssey=nav|head Whitlock said people he knows are afraid of the police because they have become so aggressive. Instead of making so many stops, Whitlock said, police should be trying to build relationships in the community and with groups like
a little bit from the communist journal.... if VIPER remains as number driven as the summer task force, what do you think will happen http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20120907/NEWS01/309070064/Police-shooting-victim-wasn-t-sure-detective-an-officer?odyssey=nav|head Whitlock said people he knows are afraid of the police because they have become so aggressive. Instead of making so many stops, Whitlock said, police should be trying to build relationships in the community and with groups like