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Home » Car & Driver » Pimp My Ride

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Image: Pimp My Ride
144722 plays
since Dec 4, 2006
Bike Champ 2 Carbon Auto Theft Clutch Burn Drag Racer v2 FFX Racing Heatwave Racing King Of Drift Trial Bike Master Ultimate Drag Racer Uphill Rush
Apr 19, 2021
To whoever the **** said "FRICK NIGG3RS," I want you to know that you're a ***face, and you can suck Donald Trump's ****
Nov 8, 2020
What the hell are you trying to say?All i can make up is bla bla kids dont understand $!t#
Aug 24, 2020
All the kids on here dont even know what half this **** means, also FRICK NIGG3RS
May 15, 2020
Feb 18, 2020
deez nuts in your ***
Dec 19, 2019
cant play nonoonoonoono
Apr 24, 2014
May 11, 2011
ughh im black yay
Mar 12, 2011
**** u all bitches
Feb 17, 2011
this is a fucking mother fucker game
Jan 18, 2011
Jan 18, 2011
Dec 17, 2010
Jun 24, 2010
no, tiffany upchurch is amazing(:
May 29, 2010
any guy want to play around im naked and covered in jello
May 29, 2010
i **** faires in taco bell
May 29, 2010
omg!!!!!!!!!!! this is so retared the only people that play this are people that are horny. They can suck big hairey monkey balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 24, 2010
tiffany upchurch has a streached out a**hole
May 21, 2010
i rather play with my ***** then playing this game;]
May 13, 2010
Fucking bitches suck my fat ****
May 11, 2010
man yall need 2 stop with all dis nasty stuff talking bout suck mi **** ***** suck mines
May 11, 2010
Apr 15, 2010
play SMILEYS WAR go to action/miscellaneous/bottom of page 2/ its HOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 12, 2010
any girls want to play around? =)
Apr 9, 2010
lamee,it dnt downloadd
Mar 31, 2010
wats up this ur boy red hit me up @ 706 816 2718
Mar 22, 2010
Mar 19, 2010
call me only girls 399 39 10
Mar 2, 2010
love's this site brahh . this is all i do at school ! hahah . (;
Feb 18, 2010
heyyyy!! ((((: this is kelcie leanne wells ;]] aka- DOLLY!! i love yall... you really neeeed too pimp my ridee lol
Feb 12, 2010
u suck bitches
Jan 26, 2010
man dhiz game is off the hook wat n0w c0me d0 s0mething hit me up jasmine A.K.A Mizz 2 g00d 2 be ture hotz yo!
Jan 22, 2010
I'll pimp yo ride, biatchh
Jan 20, 2010
whats wrong with you all
Jan 16, 2010
man this game suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 11, 2009
This game is pretty kewl id bye it if they had it 4 xbox 360..........n im 16 n go tuh summerville high.......
Dec 8, 2009
oooo **** man i love this game
Dec 8, 2009
oooo **** man i love this game
Dec 3, 2009
nice nice nice job i freakin love this **** it sucks stupid a game!! but i like it a lot
Nov 24, 2009
this game is so sweeet, if they had it on 360 id buy it in a heart beat, i mean how many games do u find when u can actually pimp out ur ride the way u like it, i love it!
Nov 18, 2009
dis game is rele gay
Nov 17, 2009
sexy girls email me at jwitt401@yahoo.com
Nov 16, 2009
i love pimp my ride ggame ps2
Nov 16, 2009
myspace.com/ironypanda add me
Nov 16, 2009
all you guys are raging porch monkeys mad cuz they lost there bananas
Nov 12, 2009
lol u people need to get a life
Nov 11, 2009
Im a 17 year old girl , does any body want to masturbate in front of me on a webcam on msn? my msn..(bi.ziemer@gmail.com)Im gunna suck a **** , bye!
Nov 1, 2009
Oct 27, 2009
yall have bad mouths!!!!! go 2 church
Oct 17, 2009
if you are gay call me at2347896 to have sex because you are my type
Oct 17, 2009
all you gay a fuckin bitches can ki my friend a i wii never give you my nuber **** heads
Sep 15, 2009
suck my big black chocolate hairy balls
Sep 2, 2009
call this guy for a good time 918-214-7407 robert! i love texting
Aug 31, 2009
lick my fracking balls
Aug 29, 2009
f*** you all
Aug 19, 2009
teresa ma ey loves carlos ramois
Jul 6, 2009
all of these comments su**** a !!!
Jun 21, 2009
this game su****s and if u have a problem with it then call me at 3077709
Jun 16, 2009
Jun 1, 2009
May 21, 2009
Su**** ****
May 19, 2009
call me 1417 589 4225
May 18, 2009
any body got a problem call 801 9390 u bithch
May 18, 2009
kavy is crazy
May 18, 2009
khadijah williams loves tiawon llyod and his bro pimp
May 18, 2009
pa ion marshall loves laggerian rogers
May 18, 2009
pa ion loves laggerian
May 18, 2009
dis game iz stupied it wont even play ****
May 18, 2009
May 12, 2009
****all you****a mother****ers
May 11, 2009
Lil kids play these gamesget a lifereal talk go find more mature games and stop getting on the website if you are going to use inappropriate language
May 11, 2009
this game is ****ing wha****matter of fact they all arelol
May 11, 2009
how youlike this **** **** ****
May 11, 2009
May 8, 2009
okay i dont like ur laguage people there are kids playing these games so shut up and get a life you low life people =[
May 8, 2009
game don't ****ing work you mother ****ers are worthle
May 5, 2009
man this game is gay
May 4, 2009
u all su**** balls big time
Apr 29, 2009
so is ur mum
Apr 27, 2009
this is f **** it dont work and you is all gay
Apr 22, 2009
you are all so ****ing gay
Apr 20, 2009
keep it simple stupid
Apr 20, 2009
keep it simple stupid
Apr 18, 2009
Dis game dont even work
Apr 17, 2009
hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah ahaha. losers.
Apr 14, 2009
well go f*** yourself
Apr 9, 2009
all yal stupid a ****es need to got o hell
Apr 4, 2009
go suck donkey ****
Apr 3, 2009
Apr 3, 2009
the person who left their number, seriously needs help. you desperate loser! :
Apr 2, 2009
I think dat you need to do wat the game need to do is to suck ****............................ ...............
Mar 28, 2009
man i hate all yall that be talkin stuff ladies hit me up 513-628-7576 sexy boy
Mar 27, 2009
This is the WORST game eva!!!
Mar 22, 2009
this game suck nutz
Mar 19, 2009
wa up this ggggame is da me
Mar 3, 2009
This game needs more levels!!!
Feb 19, 2009
who ever is saying tis gay ur gay so i wouldnt b talkin by peeps
Feb 17, 2009
this is aswome
Feb 12, 2009
dis ggame is so funkin stupid how da heel my ride supposed 2 get pimped if the mutha ****in want turn
Feb 11, 2009
This game needs graphics not porn
Jan 29, 2009
this game is crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
Jan 29, 2009
who ever says keegan matthews gays gonna ****ing die cause ill break ur nose i ant scared of u u fannie if u wanna fight come to hull and leave a comment n ill tell u where to meet me u ****s!!!
Jan 13, 2009
this was rele retarded and no one shud play it
Jan 8, 2009
so ****ing gaaaayyyy
Jan 8, 2009
this game is so ****ing gaaayyy u cant even control ur car right
Dec 10, 2008
yea i no keagen mathews is gay
Dec 1, 2008
this game is too short
Nov 26, 2008
This game is boring aint no fun in put into this game-NMCC Gurl
Nov 21, 2008
**** me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 17, 2008
i am jus kidin i love u
Nov 17, 2008
he like it up the butt .... with a s trap on
Nov 17, 2008
kegan matthews is gay
Nov 11, 2008
ooooooo ggggayyyyyyyy
Nov 10, 2008
how gay of dis game dnt play it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 10, 2008
so gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! realy realy gay dnt play it!!!!!
Nov 7, 2008
Oct 29, 2008
All I have to say is Wow! And this is the lamest, stupdiest game i ever played!!!!!!!!!!
Oct 20, 2008
vi is asian
Oct 2, 2008
dis is the worst game in history
Sep 27, 2008
Sep 13, 2008
now wait a minnite you dum buggers
Sep 10, 2008
i love matthew
Aug 29, 2008
shut ur mouth u stupid ****!!!!!
Aug 15, 2008
boring f#c# h#e
Jul 16, 2008
i bet ur all fat pieces of poo who bum each others nan u stupid american
Jul 16, 2008
craphole fat american piece of poo
Jul 8, 2008
#!@%* yall
Jun 25, 2008
Jun 19, 2008
michal give me back my fairy costume
Jun 17, 2008
penny is a wenis
Jun 11, 2008
this game is not fun at all. #!@%*est game i have ever played.
Jun 2, 2008
Elizabeth is so awsome....
Jun 2, 2008
i will be the winner
May 23, 2008
HelenyWeleny Is GAYYYYY!
May 23, 2008
Avery simmons is so adorable!!!!! He is my bestest friend!!!! i love you gonna mi you this summer!!!
May 16, 2008
this junk is stupid
May 15, 2008
this game is gay
May 13, 2008
if thiers any fit bois on er my msn is sexybabe_1990@hotmail.co.uk
May 13, 2008
if thiers any fit bois on er my msn is sexybabe_1990@hotmail.co.uk
May 12, 2008
this gams stanks
Apr 29, 2008
is der any fit girls on ere if der is add me robrae@hotmail.co.uk
Apr 22, 2008
this game is freken fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 14, 2008
Apr 2, 2008
Mar 26, 2008
rtoy is a jacka
Mar 26, 2008
christon is verrrrry gay!!!
Mar 21, 2008
dis is a very stupid game!!!!!
Mar 19, 2008
lame a$$ game man
Feb 29, 2008
This is the lmes game ever
Feb 6, 2008
this game is extremely gay, my name is dezzi lover. i will rate all games
Feb 2, 2008
Hell with you all
Dec 30, 2007
This GAME sucks
Nov 27, 2007
yall suck folk. come up with something better next time your friend shakina
Nov 27, 2007
yall need to get a better game than this cause its not working for me or nobody else wooseies
Nov 23, 2007
this game is all right, but every time i use arrows it moves the SCreeN.
Nov 7, 2007
this games blows because u guys do
Nov 5, 2007
this game is terrible corny i dont even see how it is on the most popular list yall dumb for liking this game
Nov 4, 2007
this game shudnt be in top 10
Sep 28, 2007
Add more new Songs, Those alternative one, like greenday, simple plan, yellow card and many others...
Sep 26, 2007
Sep 25, 2007
hey this game is ok by not really so yeah take it out of top 10 please!!!! Peace out
Sep 22, 2007
whys it even in the top 10
Jul 16, 2007
u r all sad
Jul 13, 2007
my name is jasmine and i hate this game
May 23, 2007
this game is so freakin lame cuz rap is wack
May 19, 2007
Never call something stupid if you can\'t even spell it correctly.
Mar 23, 2007
Mar 23, 2007
i love this game because even though i cant have a car till im thirty, i still love fantasizing
Mar 19, 2007
this game is very rere
Mar 17, 2007
This game is soooooooo stupied
Mar 17, 2007
This game is whack
Mar 16, 2007
Its workin 4 me
Mar 13, 2007
ya it wont work
Mar 11, 2007
Mar 8, 2007
Jan 26, 2007
this game is soo not like the show i hate it so much it is the worst game ever!!!
Jan 24, 2007
cla games
Jan 21, 2007
yeah it is
Jan 11, 2007
Dec 30, 2006
your game is not awesome like the other games,because I can\'t play it, if it won\'t come on my computer.