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Image: Live Scanner - April 8, 2009
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since Apr 8, 2009
ACLU Criticizes LMPD Tazer Use Cops Save Christmas April 29, 2007 August 27, 2009 Dec 22, 2008 May 3, 2007 Sept 2, 2008 Louisville's Finest Officers Still Waiting For... Operation Falcon
Apr 8, 2009
God Ble the men and women in BLUE!
Apr 8, 2009
Three police officers got shot and killed in Pittsburgh.

A 7th Division officer was shot after responding to a domestic violence call at 5205 Ronwood Drive in Okolona just before 8am.

The officer was exiting her vehicle when she was approached by a naked man coming from the home. The officer ordered the man to stay back back, but he continued advancing and a struggle ensued. During the struggle the officer was able to get to her weapon and shoot the suspect, but the struggle continued. The suspect was able to gain control of the officer's weapon and shot her multiple times in the leg and thigh.

"The man had the intention of going after the officer", said Larry Gaus, who witnessed the incident.

The suspect's girlfriend and a neighbor were also shot during the incident.