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Image: Live Scanner - March 16, 2009
9292 plays
since Mar 17, 2009
Cops Save Christmas Guard thanks police officer... April 29, 2007 August 27, 2009 June 19, 2006 May 3, 2007 Sept 2, 2008 Louisville's Finest Officers Still Waiting For... Operation Falcon
Dec 8, 2009
Put yourself in the officers shoes, all he is doing is his job and trying like hell to make it home back to his family alive and uninjured.
Mar 24, 2009
sum1 need to go to hell with that 1st comment. that's a ridiculous question
Mar 24, 2009
What does race have to do with it. I don't care if the subject is green, white, black, red, hispanic or not, tey pull a gun on me and i am going into self defense.
Mar 22, 2009
Nice you don't hear the actual radio traffic since we STILL have two differnet radio systems after YEARS of FALSE promises!!! Way to go Jerry and Bob!!
Mar 22, 2009
Rade has nothing to do with this incident, if an officer or anyone for that instance has a gun pointed at them they are allowed to retaliate in self defense.
Mar 22, 2009
wasnt the subject hispanic not black, ****
Mar 18, 2009
well if he hadnt of pulled a gun on the police officer he wouldnt have been shot thats the bottom line. it isnt a black and white i ue its about idiots who pull guns on the police.
Mar 18, 2009
Fortunately, no Officer was harmed. it had NOTHING to do with race. So Keep your Racist rants to yourself.
Mar 17, 2009
unbelievable! people are ignorant.
Mar 17, 2009
maybe because the guy shot first dumb a
Mar 17, 2009
why do white police shoot blk. so quick than white subjects