LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

City gets $11 million bill for interest on Louisville firefighter pensions


RE: City gets $11 million bill for interest on Louisville firefighter...

February 14th, 2012 @ 5:03AM (12 years ago)

I'm glad you mentioned that fact. That is the main problem with the mindset of delay, delay, delay in order to save money. Delaying only makes it cost more in the future. Didn't king jerry delay paying fireman their due compensation to the tune of costing taxpayers an extra $50 million or more? That delay didn't save anything.

Now the idea of hiring freezes to save money? The fact is it will cost more to hire the same people by waiting till next year. This causes the overtime because we are understaffed. But the truth is, overtime will be sidelined at the expense of officer safety, and we will continue to work in unsafe working conditions with 6 people on a platoon for an entire division. Boy, the county will really pay if an officer was to be killed and low staffing could be proven as a contributing factor. Just saying.... I make sure my spouse knows the number of officers I work with on a day to day basis. It wouldn't be hard to subpoena the lineups.

This county does not have a good proven track record of making wise fiscal decisions. Every cost cutting idea I can think of has never worked.

It's a shell game.