LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old


RE: Merit board reduces suspension of officer who ticketed 7-year-old...

January 21st, 2012 @ 8:52PM (12 years ago)
Posted by: RantBoX

He very well may be a good sergeant, but disrespect shown to a Lt. Colonel, whether he agrees with her management style or not, is so unbecoming and it threatens the order. Please do not endorse such behavior because of a personal dislike to an individual. In the past couple of months I have heard of several cases where subordinates have shown disrespect to superior officers. I surely hope this is not becoming an accepted trend. If it's not put in check quickly, you have not seen low morale until you have seen an overall accepted disrespect for command, just ask anyone who has lateralled to LMPD from Detroit PD.