LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Candidates voice interest in Louisville police chief job


RE: Candidates voice interest in Louisville police chief job

December 1st, 2011 @ 9:54PM (12 years ago)

City/County bull crap?

You mean the fact that the folks with the experiences will be gone? Yep. You are right

I love my white stripe brothers and sisters. I just feel sad that the folks who I knew to call for answers are now gone and on to better things. We did a poor job of let this experience walk away with out placing people to learn the jobs and how to them. But then again I guess your little Iphone has an app for building sources and informants. It probably has an app for talking someone into handcuffs as well. But since the vast majority of the newer guys never get out of their cars to talk to the people on their beats, they wouldn't know what they are missing.

Or to quote an old hand, "If you ain't cold, hot or uncomfortable, you ain't policin'. You gotta get the f$%^ out of the car and walk into your beat to know it and for the scrotes to know you."

Just Sayin'