LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Terry Meiners found not guilty in speeding case; officer threatens defamation lawsuit


RE: Terry Meiners found not guilty in speeding case; officer...

November 16th, 2011 @ 2:48PM (12 years ago)

Once, Officer Cromity kicked a helpless puppy.. Just kicked it... For no reason!!! And he steals candy from children!! One time, he went to the Salvation army at Thanksgiving and took all the donated turkeys for the homeless people and then just threw them all off the 2nd street bridge. There were hundreds of turkeys floating down the Ohio river and Sam was just standing there, laughing like some kind of maniac. He's a bad, bad man!!!!

In case you haven't figured out, I'm joking. These "evil officer Cromity" stories are getting just a tad ridiculous...