LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Career of Robert White, next Denver police chief, marked by controversy


RE: Career of Robert White, next Denver police chief, marked...

November 13th, 2011 @ 8:19PM (12 years ago)

come on. We have a MAJOR who is a liaison between the PD and Metro Finance since we lost Police Finance. I like the man but do we really need a Major up there? We have more gold (Lt on up) in do nothing jobs getting paid high bucks. We are so top heavy it really is not funny any more. Lts get assigned jobs to do and they pass them onto the Sgts on the platoons. The Sgts complete the task and give it back to the LT to sign off on and send up. While all this is going on really what are the Lts doing? I know some who do not even report to work in uniform but have one just in case they need to go out on something. Otherwise they enjoy their jeans and t'shirt (shorts and t'shirts for summer time) which gives off a real professional look to the troops.

I wonder what ever happened to "if it doesn't take a badge and gun to do the job we will get a civilian to do it" theory rw had? Just a lot of bs from someone who has taken care of people he liked and stepped on the rest of the department.