LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Metro EMS Workers Too Exhausted To Work Effectively

Mandatory Overtime Drives Complaints


RE: Metro EMS Workers Too Exhausted To Work Effectively

October 15th, 2011 @ 1:34PM (13 years ago)

I'm not criticizing our sergeants in patrol because I know they have to spend more time on paper work and stat adjusting for the puzzle palace, but they should always have one ear on the radio. When they hear some ridiculous nonpolice run come out, they should use their authority and discretion and advise radio not to send. If the complainant has a problem with this, then let them take it up with the Sgt. Sorry, but when you take the test that's one of things you signed up for. I've worked for some great supervisors who've done this in the past and I've worked for some slugs who are usually asleep in their office, allowing officers to get tied up on "a possum in a garbage can" or "out of control 3 year old" (true story!!)