LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Son of LMPD Police Chief Robert White arrested


RE: Son of LMPD Police Chief Robert White arrested

October 12th, 2011 @ 12:40PM (13 years ago)

And driving drunk , intentionally and I might add with the approval of ones parents AND turning in front of, illegally I might add, on coming traffic without expecting to kill one self and or others is not a tragic accident. It is, as you stated, a sign of neglect and wanton disregard for anyone else. Had she not killed herself she would of certainly been charged accordingly. I would like to see her suffer for what she put an innocent man through but unfortunately she took the cowards way out and died. But as it was stated before what is on less drunk driver in this world anyway.

Excuse me now, as I go place a bottle of wine near the drunks memorial, on Hurstborne lane by the way not Westport Rd as you so incorrectly stated earlier, just to remind the community it was a drunk that died there not an innocent driver.

So keep on hating the Police my friend and they will keep on collecting their checks from YOUR taxes and laughing all the way to the bank in cars paid for with tax money using gAs paid for with your taxes!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

RE: Son of LMPD Police Chief Robert White arrested

October 13th, 2011 @ 12:28PM (13 years ago)

I seem to recall a case where a LMPD officer driving at a high rate of speed (to a call he had no business responding to anyway) lost control and killed a guy minding his own business AND ran over a guy at a bus stop. And one that ran up into the gore and killed a guy. And went the wrong way down a street, entered the dominant street against the light and killed a guy. Adams could just have easily hit someone who was perfectly sober, would that have changed your judgment in this case? There is no proof (and will be interesting when it goes to trial) that her intoxication had anything to do with her getting struck - that will be for the experts in traffic reconstruction to decide.