LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police merit board upholds firing of former Detective Crystal Marlowe


RE: Louisville police merit board upholds firing of former Detective...

August 13th, 2011 @ 2:21PM (13 years ago)

Just as many old guys complaining as young guys. These days, pretty much all of us complain and yeah alot of things are bad right now, but at least we do have a job to go to everyday. There are many out there with no job and facing hard times. Many of the ones who have never policed a day since they joined, are the ones who get mad, when they are told to produce. And by the way I am one of the old guys, and not looking forward to taking on detective duties as well.

RE: Louisville police merit board upholds firing of former Detective...

August 13th, 2011 @ 2:24PM (13 years ago)

Depends on were you work too, especially where all you serve is non taxpayers!!