LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville police merit board upholds firing of former Detective Crystal Marlowe


RE: Louisville police merit board upholds firing of former Detective...

August 13th, 2011 @ 11:20AM (13 years ago)

She will still be getting her pension! She was only fighting to get her back pay....however there was no lost check out yesterdays pick 4 midday the number that came out was 8219 her code...2891 and she hit big!!! Go Jackie! Go Jackie! JCSO H!!

RE: Louisville police merit board upholds firing of former Detective...

August 16th, 2011 @ 11:51PM (13 years ago)

Thank god jackie is gone. Tired of listening to her racist a$$. Tired of dealing with her thug of a son too. You know who my ma-ma is. No. jackie hollingsworth. .Oh great then your real guilty. That whole family is a piece of work. Will be great when they are all in jail together, only a matter of time. Ya'll are racist.