LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

New law will reduce arrests for misdemeanors in Kentucky


RE: New law will reduce arrests for misdemeanors in Kentucky

June 8th, 2011 @ 3:51PM (13 years ago)

Ok Ivan, or John (since Ivan is the slavic equavalent)...

The vast majority of us do "say" hello to the public. But most of 'you', the general public, don't want to be involved. I repeat, YOU do not want to be involved. You cower inside, while OUR neighborhoods go to shiste. You 'slink' away when your neighbors sell dope, not wanting to be part of the solultion.

Those brave people who do choose to be vocal and DO choose to take responsibility should be applauded.

But if you want to know why I walk with a "cloak", well it is simple. I am so used to being sneared at, spit upon, shot at, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera that I do walk with a calous outlook. It also helps me cope with the dead children, the domestic violence and all of the other cowardly crimes I have witnessed "you" and others like you perpetuate.

As a soldier I learned to turn a hard heart to the enemy, yet was kept an open mind. Here I keep a open mind, a wounded heart and covered ground, because I don't know which stop might be the one that will keep me from going home. I don't know which domestic will get worse. I don't know which 'citizen' will try to kill me or my brothers and sisters next. But I am always officer friendly with the citizen, but I don't trust a single one I am forced to deal with

Take it or leave it. Your choice. By the way, we are hiring, if you think you can do better.

After all change never comes from the outside, only from the inside.

RE: New law will reduce arrests for misdemeanors in Kentucky

June 8th, 2011 @ 10:03PM (13 years ago)

"The facts are the public doesn't like you because you don't like the public. Years ago the good cops would walk into a place and say "out loud" hello to everyone. Everyone knew them by name and counted on them. Today you all go in places with a cape of paranoia draped around you. Most of you just snear at the public."

Do you say hello to those Officers??

RE: New law will reduce arrests for misdemeanors in Kentucky

June 8th, 2011 @ 11:14PM (13 years ago)

Do you know whats its like to walk in someplace and everyone stop and stare at you? Then when you try acknowledge them in a friendly way all they do is look at you like you did some thing wrong? Do you know what its like when you try to say hello to people or their kids and all you get is a confused stare from the kids and the parent grabs them by the arm and pulls them away to keep them from talking to you? Or they say "they gonna get you if you dont behave" Do you know what its like to have people cuss you because their relative,friend, whoever is lying in a puddle of blood because he or she sold dope and and got what they deserved because of their bad decisions? Do you know what its like to have everything you do looked at and questioned every day? No you dont, so dont judge us. Maybe try to get to know us. You'll find out we really arent bad people. And as far as being able to "count on " the police today, let me tell you this- in some ways the cops today arent as good as the ones of years ago, BUT, they still answer the call when needed and put their life on the line. Remember that next time you judge us.