LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

What a weird week in wonderful Louisville!


RE: What a weird week in wonderful Louisville!

April 18th, 2011 @ 9:20PM (13 years ago)

2 things. 1st he can't call out the prosecutors since their names aren't in Courtnet. Kind of convenient huh. 2nd, and don't take this as a defense of the Public Defenders, but they are just doing what any half a$$ed attorney would do. That is take advantage of the system in place. The real problem is with judges who cut people loose on $500 bond 10% guaranteed for felony charges ( 50 bucks and you're out) and politicians who say save money let the prisoners out. Nothing like locking someone up only to find out they have had PFO 1st multiple times. Had a guy once that committed 2 burglaries in the same day and was on parole for a 39 year sentence for multiple burglaries and multiple PFO charges because he was a non violent offender after less than 5 years. Until people say pay the money to keep these criminals behind bars we will all pay the hidden cost of lost property and higher insurance rates to keep letting them out. If you don't believe me then why do all of the new redistricting plans put Beecher Terrace in another division other than the one they plan for down town. Simple. Add the crime rate for Beecher and see how it adds to down town then look at insurance rates and costs to put on a convention. Higher crime rate higher costs. The last time they tried this Beecher was in the down town district and it showed. Try explaining a few shootings and a couple of murders to out of towners and say its safe doesn't work so well.