LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Fired Louisville Metro Police officer reinstated by chief


RE: Fired Louisville Metro Police officer reinstated by chief

April 4th, 2011 @ 10:28PM (13 years ago)

Well, Queen did her history on Ancestory.com and found out that she was to be a Queen somewhere over sea's in Africa or somewhere, so she legally changed her name to Queen. Wow make's you wonder what's going on down in the Recruitment Division. You would think if the Chief fired someone he would know the rules to firing someone, he's been on a roll here lately, funny how this firing had to be resended. Makes a person wonder!!!!!!!!! obviously she's not fit to do the job as an officer or the police training officer would not keep extending her. She's an officer satety issue, Maybe she can go back to the Country where she is suppose to be a Queen in and rule over there.

RE: Fired Louisville Metro Police officer reinstated by chief

April 5th, 2011 @ 6:47AM (13 years ago)

This is real simple. Her two immediate supervisors failed to fill out the probation extension paperwork and have her sign it. That is a gross mistake by them. Technically, she made probation. So, now they have to rehire and refire her and she gets the benefit of the legal defense plan. Blame her two Sgt(s), and training on this one. White had no choice. Just be patient.