LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Take Home Car Monies to be returned soon!

The FOP and Mayor Greg Fischer have worked out an agreement.


RE: Take Home Car Monies to be returned soon!

February 25th, 2011 @ 8:20AM (13 years ago)

Please explain how we are "giving in". Evidently the FOP was able to negotiate a deal that seems to bode well for us. I'm not sure what we are giving up. The court did not rule that we had the right to free take home cars. The court did not rule that we had the right to have our money back. The court did not rule that Metro had to stop charging us while the case was being appealed.....they did this voluntarily. The only thing we won was the right to sit down and negotiate in good faith with Metro over the fee issue and the issue of monies already paid. I suppose you would have us vote "no"? Just remember that if we vote "no" then the case will be tied up for several more years going through the appellate court and possibly the state supreme court. During those years we will not get a refund of our money and you can fully expect to be paying $100/$160 a month or more for your car until the case is settled. Again I ask you, what exactly are we giving up by accepting the agreement?