LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Bearden family sues city, police officer


RE: Bearden family sues city, police officer

February 11th, 2011 @ 7:42PM (13 years ago)

Brown cow? lets leave your wife out of this.

1 While it is true had she not gotten in the car to drive at all, it wouldnt have happened, the fact is, that she did. Nothing makes it excusable. The additional truth, however, is that she did drive a distance without any other accidents, which means that she was capable of driving, tho at a diminished capacity. Again, that doesnt excuse anyone driving drunk. There simply is not enough basis to say that it was Only the alcohol that caused her to misjudge the distance and speed of the oncoming car, and once again, tho you will once again ignore the fact, it is quite difficult to judge an oncoming car that is doing almost 90 miles an hour, or twice the speed limit. You wont admit it, but one of the things in MY training, is how easy it is to misjudge the speed of large objects, or fast moving objects.

2 Yes, if her friends has taken her keys again, it would not have happened. However, if our local excuse for a police force, didnt believe themselves to be above the law, and immune to traffic laws, then perhaps this shining example of 'cop' wouldnt have been driving at almost 90, for no apparent reason.

3 If she hadnt been texting, doesnt mean anything. It is IMPOSSIBLE to say if that would have saved her life. As I have said, in training within my industry, there is no justification in saying that would or would not have prevented the accident. It is simply too easy stone cold sober, and paying attention to pull in front of an oncoming vehicle going that fast.

You can throw around "IF" all you want. I can repeat that IF you all didnt grant each other immunity from laws, then youd actually pay attention to them, and then the pig wouldnt have been going near 90, knowing he wouldnt get a ticket. That is the ONLY factor that can UNDENIABLY be said to have prevented the accident. Its simple physics.

Going the speed limit, he would not have been in that space at that particular time, and that young girl might still be alive.

You can continue to ignore the points, and try to swerve them to something you think makes sense, but the truth is right here. There is only ONE factor that is GUARANTEED to have avoided this wreck. Speed.