LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART FIVE

The Ugly


RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 9th, 2011 @ 10:26PM (13 years ago)

This website is full of idiots. And no this is not Tony or Julie or anyone close to them its a wonder why we will never come together as a department. This article had nothing to do with Tony then someone came on here and started bashing him and his reputation. So he fired back with an article of his own. Yes it was long but to me he sounded sincere. My guess is that the little turds on here bashing him are the same guys doing it over and over again. We get it you don't like the guy and he probably doesn't like you all either. We got your message there is no need to keep kicking him anymore. Grow up and move on with your lives. Why do we have to bring up city and county bullcrap all the time who cares let's come together and be a metro dept.