LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART FIVE

The Ugly


RE: Retrospective on Louisville's Mayor, Jerry Abramson: PART...

January 5th, 2011 @ 5:33PM (13 years ago)

Tony dont pay any attention to these IDIOTS on here. You are a good officer and will do good things anywhere you go. Also thank you to all our military personel who serve here and overseas, but come on blood stripes give me a break. You think killing a man makes you a man. Let me tell you something young man I was in Vietnam and you boys in Iraq and Afghanistan think you have it bad. This war has been going on for 10 yrs and we have lost roughly 7000 men in 10 yrs. One loss of life is too much but in Vietnam we lost over 68000 in a shorter amount of time and in WWII they lost hundreds of thousands. More soldiers died in one day at Normandy than in the whole war on terror. So dont come on here saying crap about blood stripes. A lot of men have seen combat over the years but in my experience the ones who do dont come on websites and brag about earning bloodstripes. Being a police officer is a dangerous job anywhere in the U.S. It only takes that one time, and there are just as many thugs here in the U.S. that are willing to kill law enforcement officers as terrorists overseas. Both jobs are dangerous and both professions deserve to be respected. God bless our military. police, fire, ems.