LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The case of Louisville's naked cop


RE: The case of Louisville's naked cop

October 18th, 2010 @ 4:18PM (14 years ago)

we are dirt under her feet now.

RE: The case of Louisville's naked cop

October 18th, 2010 @ 5:02PM (14 years ago)

she will be promoted before the end of the year. Maybe she will find herself on the short ride to major as we have seen in the past. Oh well, all I can say is 4 more years until my KMA day.

RE: The case of Louisville's naked cop

October 18th, 2010 @ 7:11PM (14 years ago)

Some of guys are ridiculous. I have never forgotten where I came from. Have you! I guess when you don't roll with the crowd or you have different beliefs and/or standards you've forgotten where you come from. I will admit that I've changed. Maybe one day as you mature in your thinking and your relationship with Christ you will too. And as far as a collection to pay my bills. Wishful thinking on your part!! But if were true, what's your point? Did you happen to remember that I worked two jobs and went to school, since your memory is so correct? Of course not! Never was a handout ever given to me and yes, I can say I worked my butt off to make ends meet for my daughter and I. I am not ashamed to say it wasn't easy, but we always had just enough. As for the poster who stated that I'm never at work, I say to you that I am there about as often as anyone else is. If you think I am abusing SD time, have someone investigate it. I can account for all of my time. You just make sure you can. I hear some of you mumbling about what's wrong with this department and who's doing what. Its been a pretty consistent statement, "If you are that miserable,take the test and make a change or leave." I have plenty of study materials for you if you choose the first option. Just ask. Andrea