LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The case of Louisville's naked cop


RE: The case of Louisville's naked cop

October 16th, 2010 @ 8:07AM (14 years ago)

Summed it up well! I picked up my sign at the FOP the other day, have you? And if you have, is it out of your trunk and in your yard. Have you TALKED to people about this race, not bitched but actually talked about the problems? Most people do not associate their problems with the mayor, but it is all leadership - and right now, the department has none. I don't want to see people get jacked up for minor stuff, but this IS a big deal - and there are still too many people drawing a check that have done far worse.

How is it that the chief says the FOP keeps him from firing Moore and Marlowe, but has no problem firing Dison?