LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Bardstown giving officer second chance at career

Acquitted in murder trial of shooting 19-year-old man


RE: Bardstown giving officer second chance at career

August 12th, 2010 @ 7:04PM (14 years ago)

No, OJ got off. The glove epsiode in court was a joke. I can flex my hand and make sure it does not fit either. Masterful stroke. Atleast a criminal and drug dealer is no longer robbing citizens or undercover police doing their job. Oh, wait, OJ was recently convicted and is now a felon, and serving time in Nevada. Hmmmmm. Smirk.

RE: Bardstown giving officer second chance at career

August 12th, 2010 @ 7:19PM (14 years ago)

No I am not due to courtroom theatrics in his case and I did not follow that trial close enough to really care. I do know that Officer Mattingly was doing his duty protecting this community. A duty he was sworn to do. His actions were against a person wanting to commit a FELONY armed with a 45cal weapon. This FELONY could have resulted in the death of Officer Mattingly which allowed him to use deadly force against him. The two do not compare in any imagination except yours. My standards are the same for any case that I have knowledge of. I do not form opinions of circus acts which I would describe the OJ trail as.