LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Is Louisville's police chief Robert White really that stupid?


RE: Is Louisville's police chief Robert White really that stupid?

June 2nd, 2010 @ 6:41PM (14 years ago)

Yes..... they all need to go. It is very hard to respect this Chief. He has a lengthy past of corruption. Check out DCpolice watch. He sent someone else to take his drug test. Yet he fired an officer here for sharing that he went to a party where pot was being smoked. He was instrumental in the Mount Pleasant riots in 91 in DC. He has had domestic violence runs to his house where he refuses to answer the door and orders responding officers to leave. Officers...not knowing who he was tried to pull him over for speeding...only to have him go faster over 100mph to get away...yet he punishes officers for speeding. He has also lied over and over again to the public about crime rates. Several high ranking officers are in bed with the Chief in falsely reporting crime. He assigned Col. Turner as the 2nd in command. A man who was fired (asked to resign or be fired) for beating his wife from LPD. How can any real officer follow the lead of these criminals? Any mayoral wannabe that even considers keeping any of this staff on is not truly interested in the safety of this city!

RE: Is Louisville's police chief Robert White really that stupid?

June 2nd, 2010 @ 6:43PM (14 years ago)

Way to go, that is like saying that all poor white people are crooks or all black people are thieves. You sound real intelligent. Someone gets promoted to higher rank makes them bad people. Get a life or better yet if you can do better take the test.