LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Police Chief Robert White being considered for Dallas job


RE: Police Chief Robert White being considered for Dallas job

March 17th, 2010 @ 10:06AM (15 years ago)

Sadly, I disagree... There is less than 9 months left for this command staff. Once they are gone, this court nightmare will have already become status quo and no changes may come. However, while the command staff has been constantly "revising" the standards now is the appropriate time. I do not rally others, I merely speak of what I do myself. If others wish to follow good for them. I simply stated that there are common sense approached to make this system in place falter or fail, which in turn will force the command AND the courts to address the real issues at hand. Our Chief, simply does NOT care how anything effects the officers or their morale. However he DOES care about the perception of failure, and any failure of policy is viewed as a HIS failure. He is after all having to look for outside employment, and needs to be seen as viable and successful.

You stated, "You don't go running into "battle" or any other endevour for that matter without proper planning. And with that proper planning you would have idea on when that plan will work.", however as with all plans, everything goes to crap and it has always been up to the soldier in the field to follow through. If you view yourself as a general, then you will fail. I instead view myself as just part of the platoon, knowing my goal, and getting the mission accomplished.

And I am glad you endeavors are working for you... It appears as if you celebrate the mediocrity that surrounds us. Which is one of the many reasons we are stuck in this rut with leadership.

The answer to the court issue are simple. Make the system work for us.

* Flood the door at 859, causing the system to fail

* Make the defense attorneys work for their money

* Get the majority of on-duty officers subpoenaed to court, leaving the streets bare.

* Use the public seating, causing defendants to stand in the hall way, again making the defense attorneys have to work harder to locate their client… and it causes the court to become involved.

* be articulate and polite and explain every issue.

* Say nothing disparaging about the command staff in any forum, although by the mere polite explanation, the knowledge of the ineptitude will become apparent.

* When given a daytime subpoena, if you a 1st or 3rd Platoon simply inquire via email to your supervisor if this qualifies for the ten hour rule per contract. Ensure that their response is in WRITING and then send it up for review. I guarantee that most supervisors will go "oh sh*t" and pass it up the chain of command.

I agree that many, perhaps most are two worried about their own world to care, but it really only takes a few to highlight the failure of the system they have created.

Those are my two cents