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A big win for the Firefighters?


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A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 15th, 2009 @ 12:12PM (15 years ago)

I WANT MY MONEY BACK PLUS INTEREST !!! What is the FOP doing to get the money back that is owed to every officer ???

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 15th, 2009 @ 1:46PM (15 years ago)
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I want my money also, but the b@stard will never get my vote. He has screwed this community and now he wants to work his crimes on and even grander scale. BEWARE KENTUCKIANS!

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 16th, 2009 @ 9:11AM (15 years ago)

This is not a change of heart or Jerry realizing he was wrong, this was Beshear ordering Jerry to 'Clean House' before the campaign swings into full gear.

The city council - are you kidding?

October 16th, 2009 @ 1:13PM (15 years ago)

I back you in your congratulations towards our fellow first responders in red, but I must take issue with the city council raising their eyebrows at Jerry's outrageous indiscretion. For too long, they have all been too happy acting like needy little children, pandering to the whims of Jerry for hand-outs to help with their precious little causes. While the economy was good, their mouths were shut, and their greed was continuous. Now that the economy is bad, and citizens are beginning to ask questions, their answer is, "Whoa, whoa, Jerry is not telling us what he is up to." Forgive me, but I call BU** SH**. They are in as much of an election mode as Jerry is and no one wants to get burned with a hot potato. The fact is, they are all responsible for their actions. Now, what do we have? We have 1/3 of these morons trying to take Jerry's place, none of which care whether we live or die on these streets. Oh sure, they'll be at our funeral, talking about how courageous the men and women in blue are, but behind closed doors, they will be no different than our current "fearless leader." I say fearless because no one has held him accountable, and that includes the city council. Forgive my rant, but I have not lived in this state as long as some, but it didn't take me 2 years to figure out this city is as corrupt as savings and loans, which no longer exist, Enron, and AIG. All on the take, all patting themselves on their back, and all pointing the finger at someone else. The sooner our lackluster FOP and the citizens of this great city realize that payoffs, behind closed door projects for Cordish, and Jerry's future are the only things that matter to Jerry, the better off we will be. As far as the city council goes, liars, cheats, and thieves run this city. Some may say that I am being hard, but my answer is if there is an honest one in the bunch, then act on behalf of all of us, show the city's financials, operate with decency, respect for those who put you in office, and honesty. Hold your oath dear, and hold everyone, including Jerry accountable.

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 16th, 2009 @ 3:49PM (15 years ago)

As big of pal's Jerry and Jim King are were screwed if he gets in as mayor. Good old Jerry will run this city from Frankfort and destroy the state at the same time. The FOP needs to stay out of the primary because 40 people are going to run for mayor and pick the best for us and this city in the general election.

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 16th, 2009 @ 8:56PM (15 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

Not one of the pandering fools on the city council should be our next mayor -they have already done enough damage. congrats to our firefighters. F-Jerry and all his buttmonkey cronies. With O-dummy in the white house, if we get Jerry in Frankfort and someone like Jim King in as mayor - all the evil planets will be in line. ARMAGEDDON. CIT me please, I could use some of those happy pills about now..................

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 17th, 2009 @ 2:26PM (15 years ago)

I agree whole heartedly with the author of this story. The unaccustomed acquiescence of Jerry Abramson is proof enough for me that anything he does will be "feel good projects? and to correct anything which might inflame certain groups in the upcoming election.

Since he will not be Top Dog but undoubtedly he has his eyes on that position in 4 years, he has to clean up his act before he leaves Louisville otherwise it will all come back to haunt him.

He is still doing sleazy things!

October 17th, 2009 @ 2:34PM (15 years ago)

All of Jerry's little bug-a-boos will have to be kept very quiet.

Here is one that was not in the paper. Denny Norris, you remember he was head of the Teamsters and went in behind closed doors with Abramson last year and sold his people down the river? You remember him and his sleazy backstabbing of everyone in Metro Government that was covered by the Teamster's Contract? He has quietly been appointed by Abramson to run the TOW Lot.

Yes once again with no experience neccesary, no job postings whatsoever Abramson has given a plum political positioin to another cronie!

Norris, William Public Works Vehicle Impoundment Mngr $43,222.40 $2,493.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,493.60

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 17th, 2009 @ 9:58PM (15 years ago)
Posted by: Capt Obvious

First off, let me comment on the reason I believe Jerry is keeping his head down. I'm am sure that the Gov. told him that he needs to keep his nose clean and not cause any waves before the election period. It's probably driving him crazy because he is watching things go on that he wouldn't allow if he could help it. That is the reason he finally settled with the LMFD, to keep that from hanging over their heads while they run for re-election. I've been saying all along that he will no longer mess with us because he's been muzzled by the Gov. Remember, we use to see him on the news constantly talking about some b/s scandal he was giving money to. Now, we don't see him at all. That is my reasoning behind all of that.

Now, on to the reason I believe the Gov. picked him as a running mate. Jerry is neck deep in the pockets of the Cordish Company. We all know what the Cordish Company does, they build things. Things like casino's and hotels and such. We know that the Gov. wants casino's in the state, and what better friend to have than a friend of Cordish. The question is, can Jerry be a good pet and keep his mouth shut in Frankfort? I doubt it, and I doubt that the Gov. is going to enjoy Jerry once he gets him in office. All this of course is assuming that they win the election. I will not be voting for his ticket for the simple fact that I do not want Jerry anywhere near my pension! This is something that I would gladly see my FOP dues used for, a few ads? running against them. If we have to, I vote we stop giving out food and beer on every meeting and use that money to fight the good fight.

Has anyone see any candidate for Mayor worth a second look yet? I sure haven't. We need to ensure that whomever we back that person is not full of hot air and we can trust him. If we don't see anyone who fits that bill, then we back no one. We also need to ensure, however far out it is, that we fight for what we really want in the next contract. That we do not settle for some b/s contract because the FOP doesn't believe they can do better. The last time they brought that crap to us Keeling and the lot kept saying ?this is the best we are going to get.? Well, you know what FOP board....it's is not your place to tell us that you feel it's the best we are going to get. It is your place to present the material, and do what we vote you should do. If we say you fight for 2 years, then that is exactly what you do. Do not buckle under the pressure my brothers and sisters....we deserve so much more than we are getting at this time.

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 19th, 2009 @ 8:41AM (15 years ago)

Has Ed Springston stated whether he is going to run or not?

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 19th, 2009 @ 10:03AM (15 years ago)

There may be a lot of truth to what is going on. Abramson is being uncharteristically quiet right now. I hope he takes all of his spokesweanies with him to Frankfurt. None of them have any business pulling down those kind of salaries that justify having 5 or 6 of them hanging around just to make a comment now and again.

Tell me why again are we paying for a speach writer for Jerry when he always has a spokesperson give comments? Why are we paying for a speachwriter for him to use on his campaign for Lt. Governor tour? Why are we paying for a speachwriter when he is still laying off people in Metro Government who were actually working????:?

the next head cheese

October 19th, 2009 @ 8:01PM (15 years ago)
Posted by: kickbacks

Capt Obvious from an above listed post is dead on, and shooting straight. On the next contract, we do not accept anything just because someone thinks it is the best we can get. We should be inspired by the firefighters ability to stand fast in the face of a spitefull mayor. If the next contract is CRAP, then we FLUSH IT. I also agree that we do not back the 'least bad' mayoral candidate. If they are all TURDS - FLUSH THEM TOO !!!

We must all hang together, or we will surely hang seperately.


A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 20th, 2009 @ 11:25AM (15 years ago)
Posted by: NightHawk
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More people need to show up at our FOP Meetings. Tonight is the nominations for who will run our Lodge for the next two years. You need to hold your Lodge Officers accountable. Nobody liked the way Keeling was running things so they got rid of him. Nobody liked the way Dotson was running things but he was at least smart enough to see that he could not get re-elected.

I am tired of never hearing squat out of our Lodge. It is a shame that the only venue we have to voice our opinioins is here on an independently run forum, server whatever.

If I recall correctly this used to be the FOP's website when it was created under David James Administration and Keeling got rid of it because he didn't like the comments and people voicing their opinions publicly. FREE SPEECH WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL!

A Big Win For The Firefighters?.finally!

October 22nd, 2009 @ 7:59AM (15 years ago)

I am curious if anyone can tell me whether or not the FOP is working on getting our strong-armed money returned to us over the vehicle usage? It's my humble opinion that now is the perfect time to go for it. If I am right about the Mayor not wanting to create waves, he might just give in without a fight. The logical side of me however say's he will cause a huge stink and the media will love it. That in effect will tarnish his butt for the gubernatorial race. Let's go FOP, I want my money. Do your jobs and get it back for me and the rest of my brothers and sisters....to include yourselves!