LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department
Updated: Monday, November 9th, 2009

The arrogance of the man?


RE: The arrogance of the man?

July 13th, 2009 @ 7:23PM (15 years ago)

Your an absolute fool if you vote for Jerry to go to Frankfort. He will not win another term as Metro Mayor, read the liberal blogs on the computer- they hate him too. He doesnt have a chance here. If you send him to Frankfort, he will f**k up everything for the state while he is there like he did here. I really dont think he will be a Lt. Governor. The people of KY hate Louisville and everything about it, you all might as well be a seperate state. If Gov. Beashear puts Jerry on the ticket, he is through as Governor. Not going to happen especially when the Governor just made a statement two days ago in the Lexington Herald-Leader that Jerry was the best mayor that Kentucky had. Pssst, Hey Governor! You just f**ked up with a statement like that! Ky will vote him out with a statement like that plus he hasnt really accomplished anything anyways. What a joke! Both Beashear and Jerry.