LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 13th, 2009 @ 11:28PM (15 years ago)

The police do not make six figures a year. Where do you people get you information? It is a decent paying job, yes. But no different thatn any other job that requires a college degree, maybe a little less. The average officer that I can tell looks to make about $50,000 per year. (Not what the media tried to imply.) Since when does a job paying that amount fall into the catogory of the affluent? $50 thousand per year is not that great of an annual salary, not bad, but certainly not great. Raising a family on that will require budgeting, closely. (ie: sacraficing)

And as far as the car goes, $800 per month , a bunch of bullsh**. I have 3 vehicles in my drive way that do not cost me that much. Something I found out about 2 yrs ago ( had a little fender bender with an officer, no big deal) the City is what is called "SELF INSURED" . that means they DO NOT PAY INSURANCE PREMIUMS. Do a little research on what cities can do with regards to that subject.

So where do you get your reasoning for declaring someone "spoiled"?