LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 11th, 2009 @ 3:20PM (15 years ago)

Not everyone's job forces them to stop and render aid to a stranded motorist when they are on the way to pick up their sick child from school, either ....

THE CARS ARE NOT "FREE!!!!" They come with a serious and important obligation.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 11th, 2009 @ 9:45PM (15 years ago)

try this on for size, I am a police officer who lives outside the county. I use the police car for work and only work. I pay for my own car and insurance and everything else that I need to to support my job and family. When I did live in Louisville I had insurance on the take home car just as many officer do now. Not real fun having to pay for extra insurance while driving a city car. Take your sad story elsewhere as we do not get anything for free. We gave up alot of raises to have the cars, hell give me the $$ and keep the car. As for the savings your figures are out of wack. Maybe the reason you are having money problems is that you felt the need to buy a new car and now you cannot aford it. Buy used, pay cash and then you don't have monthly payments so you can pay your other bills. Your car doesn't have to be new or looking in perfect condition, mine daily drive is 15 years old with some rust. It gets me to and from and no payment so I can afford to send my kids to the school that I want them to go to. Good luck in life if you think everyone is getting something free because in this world nothing is free, there are always strings attached. Problem is they don't tell you about what was given up for the cars. In short KMA.