LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

RE: Another reason why the local ecomony is in the tank.

June 10th, 2009 @ 12:33PM (15 years ago)

I agree, however, I am not the person who brought myself into this conversation, to wit I find it interesting that so many people go to such great lengths to try to tell me that I am not wanted here, and when I go fishing so that I am not posting for a couple of days, the same people who tried desperately to formulate some basis for calling me stupid, begin to post for me, and prove only that they are so stupid, that to call them dumb would be a step up the IQ scale.

Ive said it before, but apparently it was not understood. I have no problem with insults, I take them for their worth through substantiation, but please, save yourselves the trouble of looking stupid and at least get together and decide on what you want to call me, it will save us both a lot of time and effort, not to mention bandwidth of the site.

To the nitwit who appointed himself to speak on behalf of the entire forum, how about you arrange that? I mean, if youre so tired of hearing from me, then surely you must be absolutely livid at hearing from people who know they are doing such a pi$$ poor job of imitating me that they have to actually sign a post "THE TRUCKER".