LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

The Heroes of Ronwood


RE: The Heroes of Ronwood

May 1st, 2009 @ 8:20AM (15 years ago)

uhhhhhhhh, hey Butthead, like uhhhhhhh what the hell does that mean?

hha hah hha , we uhh don't know you dork........... it's just not clear........."cut off his tweeter."


RE: The Heroes of Ronwood

May 1st, 2009 @ 2:20PM (15 years ago)

I have truth on my side. I have your own words to use as my defense. Your threatsdo nothing to deter me, because youre cowards afraid of the truth. You just dont get it, cause youre stupid. I win either way here. You cant beat me straight up in a debate, so you hide behind the insults, and think that since you cant win the point, youll derail the game. That just proves my point, that you are simply too stupid to even be trying against me. Not my fault, and as far as mom, well, shes a hypocrite by her own words. unlike you, none of my posts are focused on insults. not one time have any of you actually scored a point against me, because youre simply not intelligent enough.

Why should I worry about people knowing the truth? It should really bother people thatyou seek so desperately to try to ruin my life just because of my fact based opinion. That truly makes you pathetic.

RE: The Heroes of Ronwood

May 1st, 2009 @ 2:47PM (15 years ago)

By the way, I wonder if you arent too stupid to catch the irony in your posts, that you claim people will know who I am, and that I have done the wrong here, but that would make you the one who has done the right, and yet you still are too much of a coward to put a name to your posts. is all of that irony lost in your ignorance?