LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Firefighter?s Incentive Pay


RE: Firefighter?s Incentive Pay

March 15th, 2009 @ 5:29PM (15 years ago)

1, you are "just about" to cancel your CJ subscription due to this? you should have cancelled it a long time ago.

2, they'll never write about the real problems-- only the salacious gossip they perceive to be real problems

3, let it go- thunder will NEVER be cancelled... nor will any other Derby festivity (I don't count cruising in this category). It brings in the big names with big bucks for the Mayor, so he's never going to cancel the stuff. I think the "light up Louisville" lights could have been skipped last year, with the city being in such "financial peril", but that didn't happen. The Ford plant on Westport Rd/Chamberlain Ln hasn't had their Christmas lights the last few years because of the economy, but the Mayor would never make a logical and frugal decision such as the one Ford made.

RE: Firefighter?s Incentive Pay

March 16th, 2009 @ 10:23AM (15 years ago)

EVERY OFFICER should refuse to ammend ANY case and have hearings and trials on EVERYTHING! That would send the courthouse into pure gridlock! You can bet you sweet butt I will not ammend speeding or running a stop sign or criminal littering, and so on for many months to come and they can see they opened a can of worms not worth opening.

Now, for missing serious felony cases, I don't agree with some of the most blantant officers on that.

RE: Firefighter?s Incentive Pay

March 16th, 2009 @ 10:37AM (15 years ago)

Per a news reporter they say its funny how one Sgt who was interviewed for this article in 13 years of (non) police work only has 104 arrests or citations. WOW most officer's do that much work in 1 month and he only has 104 in 156 months. Thats less than 1 citation or arrest every month, but they know how the real police should do it.

RE: Firefighter?s Incentive Pay

March 16th, 2009 @ 2:37PM (15 years ago)

Well you guys wanted an expose'. You got one. Just ain't on the subject you wanted. Very interesting to say the least. So, you all don't mind arresting the pukes, you just ain't interested in seeing them go to jail. Felons, drug dealers, drunk drivers just ain't worth the time in court. Thumb your noses at subpoenas. And the great thing is even the big brass doesn't give a ********. Life's good. This car issue should be the least of your concerns righ now.