LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

7th Division Officers Involved in Fatal Shooting After Responding To Burglary Call

RE: 7th Division Officers Involved in Fatal Shooting After Responding...

May 24th, 2007 @ 8:57AM (17 years ago)

I apologize for your error, but he has no criminal background. Obviously, you have watched the publicised media also. He is an officer that anyone in the metro area who has came in contact with is proud to have serving his community. The only ones who are not are the criminals he has been forced to stop in criminal acts. Thank you to officer Hodgkins and all the outstanding officers who serve not only in metro Louisiville but everywhere in this country.

RE: 7th Division Officers Involved in Fatal Shooting After Responding...

May 31st, 2007 @ 12:42PM (17 years ago)

Well, if you were even a little bit intelligent, then you would know to be an officer they do a complete background investigation! Officer Hodgkins is an exceptional officer, and was forced to use deadly force because his life was in danger. I guess you never stop to put yourself in that officer's shoes, that's because you're a chicken ******** and couldn't handle the job. Protect and Serve the community! From criminals that murder, rob, steal, and rape! He WAS a CRIMINAL!!!!!!